
CATERING: Offering live food meals, hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and beverages for small parties, meetings, or other get-togethers.
Cost: $75/hour + cost of ingredients
IN-HOME FOOD SERVICES: Offering personal, in-home live food preparation and/or juicing on a regular basis. A nutritional consulting session is required for this service in order to adequately assess your needs and desires and set up an appropriate meal plan and schedule.
Cost: $75/hour + cost of ingredients
LIVE FOOD PREP CLASSES & DEMOS: Instructional classes and demos on how to prepare live foods can be arranged privately or for groups. Topics could include juicing, dehydrating, blending (dressings, smoothies, etc.), food processing (desserts, pates, spreads, breads, etc.), food combining, flavoring, and more.
Cost: $75/hour (individual) OR $250/hour (group of 10 or more)
Cell#: 720-608-1974